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Frost Control 2024

Posted by Daniel Schuurman on

Frost Control 2024

P. fluorescens strain, an INA- bacterium, has been found to have efficient activity at temperatures ranging from -8 to -15°C. This means that this strain of P. fluorescens can effectively prevent frost damage in crops even at these low temperatures.

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The Bounty of Bacillus - The Beauty of On-Farm Brewing by Graeme Sait

Posted by Daniel Schuurman on

The Bounty of Bacillus - The Beauty of On-Farm Brewing  by Graeme Sait

Plant growth-promoting bacteria (PGPB) are becoming integral tools in a more holistic farming model. Here, we are seeking to solve problems and stimulate growth with less chemical dependence. There are a variety of proven performers in this space, but the most productive are those from the spore-forming Bacillus family. Key players from this family can be multiplied on the farm to provide multiple benefits. In this article, we will explore the most researched and accomplished of this group, and I will provide some tips on how we can use them productively.

The best-performing Bacillus problem solvers include Bacillus subtilis, Bacillus amyloliquefaciens, Bacillus licheniformis, Bacillus pumilus, and Bacillus megaterium.

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Mycorrhizal Fungi: The Colonizers, Mediators, and Protectors of the Ecosystem

Posted by Daniel Schuurman on

Mycorrhizal Fungi: The Colonizers, Mediators, and Protectors of the Ecosystem

The AM fungi contribute up to 90% of plant P to host plants in ecosystems with reduced soil P availability; their contributions of plant nitrogen (N) are less pronounced and often depend on soil type, water content, and pH [3,4]. On the other hand, ECM fungi can acquire and immobilize significant amounts of organically bound N and P in the hyphae, representing up to 80% of plant N and P.

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Copper Nutrition Products compared to Copper Fungicides for Plant Disease Control

Posted by Daniel Schuurman on

Copper Nutrition Products compared to Copper Fungicides for Plant Disease Control

Comparative studies between Copper nutritional products and Copper Fungicide have consistently shown that the preventive and curative efficacy of the former is often significantly higher, and in the worst case, similar to that of the Copper Fungicide.

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Ecological Weed Control by Steve Diver

Posted by Daniel Schuurman on

Ecological Weed Control by Steve Diver

A common observation by farmers is that you’ll see a rapid flush of weeds following the application of raw poultry manure. Yet researchers who have dissected raw manure have found very few if any weed seeds — the gizzard crushes them up. However, if you take that same poultry manure, turn it into humified compost, and apply it out onto fields, you’ll see a delayed response in weed emergence. What’s going on here? What’s the difference between these two soil amendments?

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