Nutri-Key Tri-Shuttle CBZ™
Keep it simple with three-in-one correction.
The Shuttle® system represents a dynamic new approach to nutrient delivery. Trace element deficiencies often occur in clusters. Nutri-Key Tri-Shuttle CBZ™ is designed to address shortages of the trio copper, boron and zinc.
- High levels of copper, boron and zinc.
- Chelates and delivers more nutrition than previously possible.
- Balanced, three-in-one correction.
- Copper is presented in a more microbe-friendly format.
- Boron is stabilised with the humate component.
- Contains “background nutrients” to avoid the problems that can occur when the correction of one shortage triggers another shortage due to the antagonistic effect of certain elements.
- APPLICATION RATES Foliar Spray: (preferred application method) Vegetables 0.5 L per 100 L water up to 2.5 L/ha equivalent Apply as required
- Orchards & Vineyards 0.5 L per 100 L water up to 5 L/ha equivalent Apply as required
- Ornamentals & Turf 0.5 L per 100 L water up to 3 L/ha equivalent Apply as required
- Broadacre Crops 0.5 – 1 L/ha in 60 – 100 L water, depending on canopy closure Apply as required
- Pasture 0.5 – 1 L/ha in 60 – 100 L water Apply as required Spot-Spraying 25 mL per 10 L water Apply as required
- Fertigation: Vegetables, Ornamentals & Turf 3 – 5 L/ha, apply as required Orchards & Vineyards 3 – 7 L/ha, apply as required
- Home Garden Application: Dilute 7.5 mL per 9 L watering can and apply the diluted mix at a rate of 1 litre per square metre Do not apply more than 6 times per year without demonstrated trace element requirement
- TYPICAL ANALYSIS W/V Zinc (Zn) (as sulfate) 3.57% Copper (Cu) (as sulfate) 2.09% Boron (B) (as sodium octaborate) 0.32% Total Nitrogen (N) (as organic) 0.47% Total Potassium (K) 0.22% Potassium (as hydroxide) 0.11% Potassium (as organic) 0.08% Potassium (as silicate) 0.03% Carbon (C) (as Shuttle® chelator) 4.19% Sulfur (S) 3.06% Iron (Fe) 0.23% Manganese (Mn) 0.11% Magnesium (Mg) 510 mg/L Silicon (Si) 328 mg/L Molybdenum (Mo) 74 mg/L SG 1.2 pH 3.7 – 4.7 Conductivity 32 – 52 mS/cm Appearance Brown liquid
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