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  • $11158

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Nutri-Life Bio-Plex™

Biologically induced plant growth promotion achieved through the enhancement of leaf life.

Nutri-Life Bio-Plex™ is a foliar fertiliser that produces a complex, multi-dimensional growth response. It includes finely tuned nitrogen-fixers, which utilise carbon exudates from the leaf to fix nitrogen from the atmosphere directly into the leaf and a range of microbes that release natural growth promotants such as gibberellic acid, cytokinins, auxins and indoleacetic acid. Contains species that produce vitamins including C, E and B group, as well as a range of organisms that secrete a substance that can help maintain balance of beneficials on the leaf surface.


  • Australian Certified Organic (ACO) Registered Farm Input 456AI.
  • Plant growth promotion.
  • Reduced nitrogen costs.
  • Higher brix levels.
  • Vitamin supplementation.
  • Increased yield and quality.
  • No withholding period.
  • Vegetables 100 mL per 100 L water up to 400 mL/ha equivalent Apply every 2 weeks or as required
  • Orchards & Vineyards 100 mL per 100 L water up to 700 mL/ha equivalent Apply every 3 – 4 weeks or as required
  • Ornamentals & Turf 100 mL per 100 L water up to 400 mL/ha equivalent Apply every 3 – 4 weeks or as required
  • Broadacre Crops 125 mL/ha in 60 – 100 L water, depending on canopy closure, apply as required
  • Pasture 125 mL/ha in 60 – 100 L water, apply as required Spot-Spraying 10 mL per 10 L water, apply as required
  • Seedling Treatment Dip seedlings in a solution of 1 mL per L

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